Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Next Party on May 29?

Spring is here and it's time for another Star neighborhood party. We would like to find a date that works for as many folks as possible. How about the Wednesday after Memorial Day, May 29?

Let us know what you think in the comments.


  1. The Pachmayers are in.

    What time?

    Should we shoot for 5:30-5:45pm start?

    We can provide some brats, table, grill.

    What can everyone else bring?

  2. IF Mary and I are in town, we would like to be there. We will post a note when we know for sure. I'll be in touch, and if we make it, we can also contribute.
    A great idea!!!!!

  3. John and I will be there and bring a pasta salad. We look forward to seeing everyone!
